Occupational Health and Safety Policy
CMW design and build industrial and commercial buildings. CMW are committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace for employees, labour hire staff, contractors, sub contractors, visitors and all other persons whose health or safety could be at risk through our work. We will do this by ensuring:
- Compliance with relevant legislation, including the OHS Act 2004 and supporting regulations and other items (ie Industry Codes of Practice, Agreements with Authorities and Other Parties, Non Regulatory Guidelines).
- The implementation of the CMW Safety Management System, and the plans, policies, procedures and programs necessary to support and implement this policy.
- Compliance with State Government Workplace Directions and Industry Guidelines on COVID management on Construction Sites.
- Adherence to Safety in Design principles to ensure the designs for the buildings we deliver are appropriate.
As the Directors of CMW accept responsibility for implementing and maintaining this OHS Policy and the CMW OHS Management System, they will ensure that:
- CMW establishes measurable safety performance objectives and targets and that are reviewed in order to continuously improve OHS performance with a view to continual improvement and elimination of workplace injury. This shall include regular workplace inspections during projects and the prompt and effective control of identified hazards.
- Hazards are eliminated and OHS risks are reduced by implementation of the procedures in the CMW Occupational Health and Safety Management System.
- Employees are trained on all health and safety matters relevant to their work and that contractors are fully aware of the hazards associated with their work, and hazard control measures.
- All managers, supervisors, employees, contractors and other persons are inducted into the requirements of the OHS Management System, and will be held accountable for enacting their roles and responsibilities as defined in the OHS Management System.
- Effective employee/contractor consultation on health and safety matters is encouraged, which shall include two way communication of relevant information, toolbox meetings, reporting and feedback mechanisms to ensure workers (and/or their representatives) are able to participate in the ongoing deployment and development of the OHSMS.
- Adequate resources are provided to enable full implementation of this OHS Policy and OHS Management System. Where CMW does not have the necessary in-house knowledge or expertise to enable it to meet its occupational health and safety objectives, CMW will ensure that advice and guidance are obtained from competent occupational health and safety professionals.
- This OHS Policy and OHS Management System are reviewed every year to ensure they remain relevant to and appropriate to the organisation and that the OHSMS is achieving its intended targets.
All company employees and contractors are required to comply with this OHS Policy and CMW OHS Management System at all times.
Senior managers and supervisors are responsible for the implementation and dissemination of all matters dealing with the health and safety of employees and contractors under their control.
Employees must co-operate with the employer with regard to OHS actions taken by the employer to maintain safety. In addition employees shall take reasonable care for their own safety and not adversely affect the safety of others at the workplace.
This OHS Policy shall be posted at all CMW sites.